1. 5 Aces Bbq
  2. 5 Aces Custom Tattoo
  3. 5 Aces Saved By The Bell
  4. 5 Aces Saved By The Bell
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Acreage can be a pretty deceptive thing. Forty acres looks like nothing in a Kansas wheat field. On the other hand, it’s possible to achieve a surprising amount of privacy on just a few acres in the forests of the Ozarks.

5 Aces

Maybe these illustrations will help you get some idea of the size of five acres.

5 Aces

This is useful for estimating the size of a house, yard, park, golf course, apartment, building, lake, carpet, or really anything that uses an area for measurement. The calculators will also shows acres based on the square feet or dimensions. 5 acres is an area of roughly. 5 Aces Social Club, Cheektowaga, New York. 136 likes 3 talking about this. The purpose of 5 Aces Social Club is to provide mentorship and practice in the game of poker. The Club strives to provide. 5 Aces Social Club, Cheektowaga, New York. 134 likes 1 talking about this. The purpose of 5 Aces Social Club is to provide mentorship and practice in the game of poker. The Club strives to provide.

Real estate can come in any size or shape, but most frequently, five acre parcels of land are rectangles about 330 feet wide by 660 feet long.

Take a look at this aerial photograph of a typical urban area. (Okay, it’s not a typical urban area at all, it’s our home town, Willow Springs, Missouri, but from up here, everyone looks surprisingly normal.) Notice that five acres here will encompass a couple of city blocks. Looks like there may be around 6 to 8 houses to a block, so five acres might have twelve to sixteen homes on it.

Or consider this five acre block superimposed over everyone’s favorite size comparator: a football field. As you can see, five acres is quite a bit bigger.

Okay, getting dizzy from the height? Let’s try looking at it from the ground. Here’s five acres as it meets this rural road the short way. If the parcel were lying parallel to the road, it would be twice this long.

Five acres is 217,800 square feet.

5 aces poker

It is the size of $1,950,678 in one-dollar bills.

5 Aces Bbq

In Iowa, it will produce 750 bushels of corn.

Under ideal conditions, you can graze 5 cows and their calves on it.

If you’re clever and ambitious, five acres will feed your family.

5 Aces Custom Tattoo

However, five acres is NOT as large as the Pentagon. Draw your own conclusions from this.

As my final exhibit, here’s a drawing I made to show the proper scale. (You probably thought I just horsed around all day.) Here, the telephone poles look even further apart than the ones in the photo above, but they’re drawn to scale.

5 Aces Saved By The Bell

One of my purposes here is to point out that five acres, especially five rolling acres covered with mature forest is actually quite a bit of ground. If you need more privacy than five acres of woods affords, you’re likely to be arrested for what you’re doing sooner or later anyway, so why push your luck?

5 Aces Saved By The Bell

This week I led a workshop with a group of government employees. Before we started, a few of us started talking about retirement plans. One of the employees (who I’ll call Mike) shared with us that he was more than ready to retire.
“I have 5 aces in my hand,” Mike gleamed.
“5 aces?” we asked. “What does that mean?”
“It means that I’m set,” Mike explained, “Financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually, I have 5 aces!”

Aahhh….Mike was using poker as a metaphor to say that he held a very good hand and was living a great life.
“How could you have 5 aces?” I asked. “There are only 4 aces in a card deck.”
“The 5th ace is the Joker. It’s the wild card,” Mike laughed. “You all are thinking too small. You need to expand your thinking!”

I loved Mike’s metaphor of seeing his life in this way. In poker, five aces beats out any other hand, including a royal flush. Mike was painting a picture for us that he was living his best life.
The way Mike described how he got there, though, wasn’t from the perspective of luck or chance. In fact, if you ask any professional poker player, they’ll tell you that luck has very little to do with their winning.
If you could describe your life in poker terms, what cards are you holding right now?
Would you say you have five aces? How about three of a kind? A pair? A high card? A mix of random unrelated cards?
If you don’t know poker, here’s another way to ask the question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how meaningful, fulfilling, joyful and purposeful does your life feel like right now?
Go ahead. Give yourself a number.
Here’s the thing. Whatever number you come up with, or whatever cards you feel like you may be holding, it’s okay.
Where you’re at right now is a snapshot in this moment in time. You have a starting point for where you want to go.
So where do you want to go?
What does holding 5 aces in your hand look like for your life? What would your life look like if you felt more alive, more joyful, more purposeful and more authentically you?
You see, you have it within you to create this life.
Here’s the spiritual truth in all this:
No matter what kind of hand you’ve been dealt in life, you have all the cards of the deck at your disposal to use how you want.
You don’t have to limit the infinite nature of Life by holding on to the idea that life only happens to you.
All of Life’s creative energy is at your disposal. Why? Because you are Life itself.
Ultimately, all it takes is your willingness to recognize and embrace the magnitude and magnificence of who you really are.
Just as Mike is holding his 5 aces in his hand, your own 5 aces are right in front you, waiting for you to pick them up.
What will it take for you to pick them up?
Abundant Blessings and Namaste.

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